Council has completed the annual task of adopting the Municipal Operating Budget, and setting the municipal mill rate(s) accordingly.
Ag – 6.65 Mills – Mill Rate Factor: 1 – Agriculture Mill Rate: 6.65 Mills
Res – 6.65 Mills – Mill Rate Factor: 2 – Residential Mill Rate: 13.3 Mills
Com – 6.65 Mills – Mill Rate Factor: 2.6 – Commercial Mill Rate: 17.29 Mills
Council works diligently to balance limited financial resources, while ensuring to provide RM ratepayers with the best possible infrastructure and resources while being as cost efficient and effective as possible.
Funding is continuing to be allocated to a savings account in order to ensure that some reserves are in place for future capital expenditures.
Once again the following discounts will be provided for the municipal portion of your property tax payments:
Taxes for the current year become arrears as of January 1 of each new year and a .075% penalty will be added to any unpaid balance on this date and the beginning of each month thereafter.
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am-12pm and 1pm–5pm. Closed Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays