RM of Pleasant Valley

No. 288

Roads & Infrastructure

Roads & Infrastructure

All drivers are responsible for knowing their vehicle weight classifications and adhering to all highways and gravel road weight restrictions, and R.M. or provincial road bans.

Road Restrictions

The R.M. of Pleasant Valley may issue an order to restrict the use of gravel roads during inclement weather or unfavourable road conditions. These bans are most often issued in the spring and fall when wet conditions soften our road surfaces.

The RM’s policy on Road Restriction is as follows:

  • Travel of 10 tonne and over on RM roads is restricted to -6 degrees C or colder, or dry road.
  • Any damage done to the roads can be charged to those responsible.
  • R.M. road bans and restrictions apply to all gravel roads in the R.M. of Pleasant Valley.

Provincial Road Restrictions – Depending on local weather and road conditions, the R.M. of Pleasant Valley  may opt in or out of Provincial Spring Road Restrictions. Please refer to the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure website for maps and more information.


Primary weight permits are required in the R.M. of Pleasant Valley, as all Municipal Roads are Secondary Weight with the Exception of the D’arcy Grid and Bickleigh Grid that are restricted to 8 Tons. 

Primary Weight Permits for agricultural use will be issued on all roads through the municipal office.

Commercial and Industry

Primary and Overweight Permits are issued through RoaData Services. Please Call Roadata at 1-844-232-7275, or go online to www.roadata.com to obtain a primary weight permit for hauling within the RM.

Road Maintenance Agreements

Persons or businesses responsible for frequent or intensive hauling on any of our gravel roads must enter into an annual “Road Maintenance Agreement” with the R.M. Please contact the office for more information.

View our Road Haul Policy PDF


The R.M. of Pleasant Valley does not sell gravel, as the majority of municipally used gravel is outsourced and purchased from a private pits. There are several private gravel pit owners in the area that are willing to sell gravel to individuals. Feel free to contact the municipal office for a list of known gravel pit owners.

Gravel Extraction – Before gravel is extracted from the R.M. of Pleasant Valley an application to remove gravel must be completed. Find the form here.

Dust Control

The R.M. of Pleasant Valley currently does administer a Dust Control Program. The RM applies dust control to request yard sites approximately twice a year at a reduced cost of approximately $750.00/year. If you are interested in purchasing dust control please call the office by May 1st of each year.